Della Henry

Della played the role of Winifred Taylor, mother of Mary and love interest of Lt. Col. Robert Davidson. Della performed in
Take It Easy in the Wednesday Matinees.
DELLA HENRY is currently living in Brazil and performing as an accomplished soprano. Della speaks fluent Portuguese and brings a fresh interpretation to Bossa Nova and other great Brazilian standards, such as “Carinhoso” which can be heard in two versions on Della’s Demo along the classic “Over the Rainbow”. Having lived 2 ½ years in Uruguay, Della speaks Spanish and includes many Spanish standards in her repertoire. In 2005, she released her recital CD, “Encantadas”, that has broken local sales records for a classical independent CD.
Della has also involved herself in philanthropic work, since living abroad, and has been an avid and active fund-raiser and charity organizer. In Uruguay, as President of the American Women’s Club, $25,000 was raised to aid Montevideo’s one and only Battered Women’s Shelter and Help Center. She also spear-headed the building and funding of a public playground. In Brasília, Della stays active also, and is a well–known figure about town. She is a volunteer English teacher, and just ended her term as President of the 400-member Clube International in Brazil’s capital city where 37 events were organized in 9 months and she helped launch the Club’s first website. More importantly, $36,000 was given to assist over 20 institutions, including a new kitchen for the occupational therapy center in Taguatinga where patients receive training to earn a